Buying An Electric Car | £150,000 Budget Part 2


  • something to warn me this was about to happen I'd rather not test this out but it would be good to know that the car will support me in the event of a real bad situation this doesn't feel like a 50 Grand car not at all it feels so much more expensive inside cars are not what they used to be back in the day and they have changed a lot but this is this is a full-on computer game now and even when you accelerate there's no sound there's no noise and it does take getting used to to it I've had one ful EV in my time

·       and it was a Porsche tyan Turbo S and I never liked it never liked it I think I done one charge and I sold it and luckily I sold it cuz that just bombed depreciated massively so after my first driving the byd I think for what you're getting at this price point it doesn't sit far from the other electric cars it's great value for money and the drive is comfortable and it packs enough punch for you to still have fun let's go to the leaderboard and see where where we're at the drives overall were good across the board I'd give the Lotus an

·       eight the Tesla I'm going to give it a six and the byd I think I'll give that a seven yes it may not be as fast as the other two cars but just feels comfortable and I really enjoy driving this car let's see what the tech has to offer in each car cuz these These are an option that these mirrors so most of the time I'm driving with the conventional mirrors yeah so then when I jump in the bomb with camera mirror I'm still looking there and then I end up like looking over my shoulder how accurate are these Wing mirrors on the doors with

·       regards to how close a car is because you know back in the day youed to put object SE nearer than they maybe all seen further away are they is it is it accurate I'd say that that looks a little bit closer you can actually if you double pinch like an iPhone screen you can actually then move it around okay oh wow okay and then oh look so that's okay that's interesting oh that's quite cool yeah I bet when someone buys one of these cars they spend hours just sitting in the car parked working how everything works

·       that's exactly what happens later on in the day got features upon features just the the menu if you look at the menu right if you go here and you just go there so you obviously got your like Sub menu there you go to your settings you got like your driver motor here so you can like different Drive modes so that's tour Sports the car and obviously the Lumbers put on your back and everything else you can go to track so you got your different Road Road Heights here there's all your safety features this is what I'm talking

·       about so you got the Lan keeper sist you got the automatic speed limit alarm speed alarm even says you like got fatigue detection so it feels like you're tired sound systems incredible fair play for the sound system really really great but the features the graphics the way it looks features upon feat features it seems like EV cars are always packed with features and I wonder if this is a good thing as a petrol head do you really want to be constantly looking at the screen in the car is this the way cars are heading anyways let's

·       move on to the Tesla and see what it's got to offer tap that on the side of the door panel you open it but otherwise it is the phone that actually unlocks so when you're in proximity these will automatically unlock whenever your phone is nearby and whenever the phone walks away it'll automatically lock and the features didn't stop there Tesla gave me an extra that might just be the icing on the cake let me see I but there's no tolls in the UK I would have been like someone to do no I don't even know what I'm thinking

·       is is it for that is that what it's for really whether you're going to a drive-thru something like that it's a fun little joke that we've added okay so you lean across and this is how you get your McDonald's yeah other brands are available and if you want feel generous and be nice you can go around picking up dirt off the floor yeah brilliant okay thanks for that I jumped in the car with Elliot one of my media team and we discussed the Tesla but is there more to this car than just speed the inside is a little bit plain but I don't like too

·       much things inside However the fact that everything's on the screen you've got to find everything you got to go through a different menu and stuff it is a bit there there's a lot going on it's it's like it's like a phone now where you've got so much going on in the phone and if you are a tech guy you're loving that yeah if this teer didn't have the speed would it would it appeal to you would it appeal to to the majority of people I know obviously you have the Tesla Model um frees you have the X's you have the Y's now what would you do

·       to make this more healing to maybe motorheads I think this is the great family car I don't think it needs to be the Plaid cuz the Plaid is the the all singing all dancing all the ultimate Madness I feel like there's a stigma of electric cars like we just don't like them so even if they made one that looked really good it would still be like an electric if I had a choice between this the electr r and the seal the byd seal granted the byd seal is around 40 to 50 Grand this is 100 Grand and the exra is like 150,000 so you've got 50 Grand

·       differences all the way up whereas Electra R is 900 brake this is 1,20 break and the seals I don't know what that is it's obviously a lot less what are you buying the car for for looks for speed for drama and that's the question when buying an electric car what is it you're buying it for The Logical answer if it's a Tesla you're buying it because it's the fastest and as a petrol head you can relate but in this case to live with it day and day out I think speed doesn't matter anyways let's have a look at the byd seal all

·       right so let's jump in this carut is pouring down with rain start button got this glass look at that it is cold out there so heat steer was already on let's put the heated seat on at one okay so you have these sort of features obviously this is really cool push this just got to love it got to love it hi byd open driver's window I'm not touching it I like how the screen is so responsive the 360 cam is very cool and the best feature in my opinion is the fact that you can make the car invisible so you can see the

·       road beneath you so I think the cars have got very similar Tech and they all do the same thing for the Lotus I'll rate this at eight as I found this the easiest to use the Tesla seemed to be so confusing but it probably needs more time for me to play around with it so I'd rate that seven and the byd I'd probably give that a seven as well I'm leaning towards the Lotus cuz I think it's the easiest to use out the three however I'm sure my mind can change the more I get used to it I thought I'd take some family and friends along this

·       journey to help me decide on a new EV car starting with the Lotus I'm wonder when I'm picking up Daniel now sh Asheville he doesn't know about this car doesn't know anything about this car and he definitely doesn't know how fast it is when he gets in it I think he's going to be shocked so I'm going to pull out slow and then I'm just going to nail it I can't wait to see what happens hello Daniel hello Dan how are you fine than you why are we talking about that do we um what do you think of this car but when I walked up to it I thought hold on

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